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BUPA Cromwell Hospital   |   Fitzrovia Hospital

Anterior colporraphy and posterior colpoperineorrhaphy


Mrs Purkaystha has performed the repair of cystocele, rectocele, perineal tear and stress incontinence operations for many years.  However she has now acquired the skill of using a laser knife to perform these procedures.  Mrs Purkayastha participated in an intensive training course at the Laser Vaginal Reguvenation Institute of America (LVRIA) in Los Angeles and was trained by Dr David Matlock.  By using the laser knife the risk of bleeding and infection is much reduced.  More over healing is very good.  Post-operative pain is also much less due to the particualar regional anaesthetic given at the time of the procedure, namely a Pudendal Block.  Most of the  patients who undergo this type of surgery, leave the hospital afer one day, but many leave on the same day.  This is much better for the patient as they are able to return to their home environment to recover further and are very pleased with the result.  Mrs Purkayastha is the only Gynaecologist in the UK Europe who performs Laser Assisted Surgery.

Mrs Purkayastha also performs labioplasty in selected cases.  Many women do suffer from very large labia either unilaterally or bilateraly which can cause a number of clinical symptoms, together with much social embarrassment.  Mrs Purkayastha initially likes to see patients presenting with such problems to give her independent opinion and then decides after discussing at length with the patient, whether to go ahead with this type of operation.  Mrs Purkayastha will never perform this procedure if, in her opinion, the labia are within normal limits or they are normal variants.

A Specialist Women's Healthcare Clinic in London working closely with women of all ages.

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